Paddle It Forward with Bent Paddle and other Lincoln Park Craft District neighbor businesses! #craftingcommunity

Bent Paddle Brewing Co. is a proud member of our community and we love to help as much as we can!
*Please Note: We require a 4 week lead time for all donation requests

Silent Auction or Item Donations

Taproom Beer Discount Cards

Taproom Beer Discount Cards are also available for multiple smaller prizes or speaker/volunteer/participant gifts, etc.

Lincoln Park Growler Kit

Lincoln Park Growler Kit Our most popular item for Silent Auctions or Raffles! We partner with our Lincoln Park Neighbors - The Duluth Grill Family of Restaurants ( Duluth Grill, OMC Smokehouse, Corktown Deli), Duluth Pottery, and Frost River, to put together an impactful fundraising item! Each Growler kit includes an empty Bent Paddle glass growler with a beer fills certificate, a Frost River Beer Accessory, and Gift Cards to the Duluth Grill Family of Restaurants, and Duluth Pottery!

Beer Donations

While free beer is one of the easiest donations we can make, it comes with a lot of regulatory issues. In order to ensure the success of your event and our donation, for Minnesota we require proof of an appropriate Temporary On-Sale Liquor License (Wisconsin or other states please just upload your event license). Click below for more information on what is required before we can donate beer.

Tasting Station

A branded beer tasting station with multiple 3 oz. beer pours for guests run by one of our knowledgeable Outfitters.

Beer Donation

Full Sized Beers for onsite event consumption. 

Please Note: To Donate Beer or conduct a Beer Tasting at a ticketed event in Minnesota all brewery manufacturers like us must require the donation requester to provide proof of a 340A.404 SUBD. 10 TEMP ON-SALE LICENSE ( from the governing municipality no matter if the venue of the event already has a current liquor &/or catering license AND no matter if you are a non-profit with a year round liquor license already in place. This allows us to donate to the non-profits who can secure this type of license without providing a prohibited “Thing of Value” to a for or non-profit retail account (340A.308 PROHIBITED TRANSACTIONS (

Please read here for more information about complying so as not to put alcohol manufacturers, the venue, and your non-profit at risk of conducting an illegal tasting: 340A.418 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE TASTINGS (

Please contact the MN AGE directly to go over your event details if you do not plan to secure a Temp On-Sale License. They are there to help ensure all events are run according to statute and want to help non-profits! MN Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement | (651) 201-7500

For Duluth Specific Inquiries please contact Ian Johnson, Duluth City Clerk’s Office – 218-730-5500 ext. 2

If your event is in Wisconsin please upload your “Class B” license itself or license application paperwork.  Other states please upload your license or license application paperwork into the donation form. 

Taproom Hours

Mon 12-10pm

Tue 12-10pm

Wed 12-10pm

Thu 12-10pm

Fri 12-11pm

Sat 12-11pm

Sun 12-10pm

Closed for Christmas 
12/24 + 12/25
Early Close NYE 8pm
Closed New Years Day
Office Hours

Mon 9-4pm

Tue 9-4pm

Wed 9-4pm

Thu 9-4pm

Fri 9-1pm

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